Trisha Mae Tolosa
6 min readMar 9, 2021

Why should I learn English?

Did you ever think of how useful and advance the English language is? Did it ever happen that you consider learning the English Language to chase your dreams?

I was 12 years old back then when I started to get interested in learning the English language, it was just for fun before, I just find English amazing, fun to pronounce and I feel like knowing how to speak English can make you look smarter. I started to read poems, and stories, listen to English songs, and sometimes I also listen to people online speaking using the English language. It was just a habit, but I completely fell in love with it. The English language became my open pathway to lead me to where my heart belongs, to what career should I take to, it leads me to an idea that through the English language, I can do more than I could do and I can be more than what I am expecting to myself.

It was more way different from what I thought. The English language has different rules, forms, and varieties that you need to learn. Learning doesn’t come in one sitting, it’s a process that you need to take patiently until you land at the destination of where you should be. Two years in Senior High School, I took it as my time to think about what I really love doing, to what degree should I walk to, to what career I see myself doing for the rest of my life. After that time of thinking, analyzing, and realizing things, I ended up with the love I have for the English language. I have so many things that I want to achieve, dreams that I want to turn into reality, and all those imaginations that I want to come to life, I could only do that if I have enough knowledge of the English language.

Advantages of learning English language:

  1. Opens opportunities- We can’t deny the fact that most businesses require their applicants to be fluent or have enough knowledge in speaking English language. It is their strategy or way especially when they are a multinational business or company whose target are people all over the world. English is a global language; it is the language that people commonly used to especially when they are going somewhere across the world. English language opens opportunities means that more job offers are waiting for you. You can be a translator, a teacher, a speaker, and even a tour guide anywhere you want. If you wish to work in a foreign country, studying English language is a must.

2. Travel- English language is used all over the world, visiting foreign countries with enough knowledge in speaking English can make your travel lot easier and less hassle. Hotels, restaurants, shop employees, or native people in that country probably can speak English to some degree. Knowing to speak English allows you to have a conversation with anyone you want, you will not feel left out, and you can still have this feeling of belongingness by having a common denominator and this is the English Language.

3. Studies- Most of the textbooks that are given to schools are published in English. Professors also use it as their medium of instruction as well as the assignments and activities they give should be written in English language too. By this, you can now realize how English language is a must to learn. Learning English means allowing yourself to understand your lesson better. One more thing is if you want to apply to an international school or to be an exchange student, knowing English language will help you to communicate with your peers, teachers, or to express your ideas and thoughts.

4. Communication- Aligned to traveling, studies, and employments, English language really helps you to interact with other people who are in different regions. In anywhere you go, people, you might bump to, you can express and share your thoughts to them by using a language which is common to both of you, and that is English language. Since English is a global language, most people all over the world know how to speak English, but there are also instances where they can understand it but the knowledge they have is not enough to fill in a conversation. But that is fine, learning English is not only by speaking but it is also in understanding and analyzing English words.

5. Entertainment- If you are the type of person who loves to watch movies or any television shows, learning English is good for you. It is easier to follow the plot and to understand what the movie means if the person who’s watching knows how to speak English. Since subtitles are sometimes inaccurate, a distraction, and there are also times where it blocks the screen, learning English is the best solution for that, it does not only help you to concentrate on the movie but it also lets you acquire another language, another knowledge that will help in you in so many ways.

and the most important is, English language will help you in

6. Memory Improvement- From your reasoning ability to your memorization skills, learning a second language will boost your brain's versatility. A person’s brain develops when they get older, but case studies suggest that learning a second language will help you grow a new region of your brain, allowing you to have a longer attention span and do better on attention tests.

English is somehow hard, it is challenging, some words are the same but different in meaning, words that seem too easy to pronounce but turns out that it’s not, and rules that you need to acquire and follow to have correct construction of your sentence. English may seem hard but perseverance is the key. Nothing comes immediately. Despite the challenges, however, the effort required to learn English will pay off with access to a wealth of information and new opportunities. Learning how to speak English requires a commitment, it’s a never-ending learning and process but it is a sure worthwhile investment.

All of those advantages are connected to what I love doing and to what my dream is. Since I am aspiring to be a writer, a person who travels the world and at the same time to be a teacher in a foreign country, learning English language is really the best for me. I feel like through English I could achieve everything I want to be and I could go to places with an amazing experience vacation without feeling like I’m different.

I am currently a first-year college student taking up Bachelor of Secondary Education major in English, my interest and love for English literacies lead me to where I am now. The process and learning are more to go but surely that it will be worth it until the very end. There are still tons of knowledge to learn and discover but if you are eager to know something, you wouldn’t get tired of it.

English is an exciting course to learn.

English is a bridge to connect the people of the world.

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